Gaya APA

Jhon Peter Lange, D.D. (t.t.). A Commentary (Ref) on the Holy Scriptures Mark-Luke (First Printing). Grand Rapids Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House.

Gaya Chicago

Jhon Peter Lange, D.D. A Commentary (Ref) on the Holy Scriptures Mark-Luke. First Printing Grand Rapids Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, t.t.. Text.

Gaya MLA

Jhon Peter Lange, D.D. A Commentary (Ref) on the Holy Scriptures Mark-Luke. First Printing Grand Rapids Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, t.t.. Text.

Gaya Turabian

Jhon Peter Lange, D.D. A Commentary (Ref) on the Holy Scriptures Mark-Luke. First Printing Grand Rapids Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, t.t.. Print.